
Timeline So Far


  • Roxton Neighbourhood Plan - Area Designation by BBC

Roxton Parish Council (RPC) held an open forum to discuss a speculative housing development. RPC stressed the need for a Neighbourhood Plan. RPC asked any parishioners interested in forming an NP Steering Group to email RPC (see RPC Minutes Nov 2022). 

RPC Clerk advised that she had received interest from two members of the public - Claire and Julian. Claire was at the RPC meeting and asked officially for permission to form a NP Steering Group. RPC agreed (see RPC Minutes Jan 2023).

Roxton Parish Council nominated their representative to join Claire and Julian - Chris
First meeting of the Roxton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group - Sue joins the NPSG
Communication with BRCC and Locality!, as well as other local Neighbourhood Planning groups
Leaflet drop to promote the new Steering Group and recruit more volunteers.

Chair of RPC introduced the Neighbourhood Plan and Steering Group in his Annual Report (see Minutes of the RPC Annual General Meeting).

3 more volunteers joined - Kim, Mike, and Brian
Update given to RPC (see RPC Minutes July 2023)
Meeting with BRCC - Jemma (see NPSG minutes).

Claire Rose (already in the NPSG) was co-opted onto RPC. This means that, although the NPSG is a separate entity from RPC, it now has two RPC councillors within it (just by coincidence).
Update given to RPC (see RPC minutes Sep 2023). 

Information Leaflet/ Invitation to the Consultation Launch Events at the Village Hall delivered to local residents 

2 x Consultation launch events held at the Village Hall

Early 2024:
Leaflet drop - initial feedback from the community events in November

Local businesses and stakeholders contacted

Summer 2024:
Green Infrastructure survey commissioned 

Autumn 2024:

Green Infrastructure Workshop on November 21st, to begin developing Roxton's GI Plan was well attended .  

Projected Timeline... next steps...:

Spring /Summer25

Second GI residents meeting,

Green Infrastructure  Plan completed 

Based on public consultation feedback, we will aim to prepare a draft plan for public comment around the end of 2025. This is an obligatory formal step known as ‘pre-submission’ consultation (Regulation 14).
Final draft - based on feedback and continuing consultations - will be prepared for submission to Bedford Borough Council. If all goes according to schedule, this will be achieved in early 2025/6. 

Bedford Borough Council will carry out their own Neighbourhood Plan consultation and check everything necessary has been provided.
Bedford Borough Council will publicise the Neighbourhood Plan and then arrange an independent examination to check it conforms to all the necessary legal and technical requirements, and make any recommendations.

 Summer 2026:
Before the Plan can come into force, it must get the backing of a majority of residents voting in a local referendum (which is why the more people we speak to, the easier this will be!).  
Our aim is to have completed the process and hold the local referendum by late 2025.